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Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 21:55:54 -0500
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From: (Jamie Krutz) ()
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: Full-Size Render Window
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Status: RO
In article <> writes:
> Is there a way in LW Intel to render directly to the target resolution for a
> screen preview? For a 640x480 rendered preview of a single frame LW will
> display the progress in a 320x240 window and after that's done open a new
> window to display correctly at 640x480.
> I realize this is an improvement over the pre-release but why this hassle.
> Why not render directly to 640x480 or any other resolution so I can see what
> I'm getting and stop in progress with a single escape?
I'm playing around with the NT Alpha version (many wonderful
things including speed). When it pops up a preview render
(when I choose to render without the dynamic preview in the little window)
the big preview covers up the window that shows how long it took. I can't seem to
drag the preview out of the way to see, or keep the preview around at all. Click
and it's gone. I wish that a) the spec window with render time and frame
number were visible at the same time and b) that the preview render could
hang around as a reference when I go back to working in layout like it does
in the Toaster frame buffer on the Ami.
I'm babysitting this Alpha over the holidays (WCS render engine clips right
along :^) and I may be overlooking something obvious, so please set me
straight if there's a way to do what I want. I'm new to NT.
Two other criticisms of NT: first, the file requester is surprisingly lame, and
second, when dragging windows as pictures (as opposed to outlines) over the
LW window, the LW window refresh is so slow its like painting in white with a
big square brush in the LW window with any other foreground window. Not a
major problem, just embarrassing to see such sluggish window handling on such
a fast machine. I've used older, much slower machines that don't have this problem
under AmigaOS/EGS and NEXTSTEP.
OK, well, one more criticism. For some reason the machine does not recognize
when there's a disk in the floppy drive and I ask file mangler to look at it or format
it (perhaps a cable came loose in transit). But it takes it a long time before NT
pops up a requester, and in the mean time this supposedly multitasking workstation
is completely frozen to user input. Hello?
When I do multitask a few things on it it seems to start using swap sooner than
I'd expect with 32 megs of RAM. Still renders pretty fast, but hearing that HD
spinning makes me wonder if it's losing significant speed.
I hear Linux runs on Alphas now (and on Intel/Amiga). Is Linux any better?
Any chance of LW on Linux (can't be that different from the SGI/Unix version, can
it)? Just wondering...
On the subject of the Amiga version, does anyone know when 4.0 will be out stand
alone and as part of the Toaster upgrade? And does anyone know the status of
network rendering on stand alone and Toaster Amiga LW 4.x?
Best Regards,
PS. Season's greetings - happy programming and animating to all!